Hi, I haven't posted for a while as I've been pretty busy, you know how it is at this time of year.
I've been making cushions for my cousin's three girls for Christmas. They have purple bedrooms and luckily I had some fabrics in purples. I decided to put some applique felt flowers on them. I've never used felt before and was pleased that it was easy to work with. The cushion I've shown here is the first to be completed, the others are nearly done. I think this is my favourite one, the others have a different type of flower. I'll show you them when they're finished.

I'm begining to panic slightly as I'm going to make my Mum a bag as a christmas gift and I've not started it yet!
I better get on.
I've just remembered, thanks to Marie at Marie Quilts for the blog award in my side bar that she so kindly gave me.
Bye for now, Maria.