Tuesday 26 June 2012

Starts and Finishes.

A while ago I promised to make a quilt for my parents bed. They left the choice of design up to me but said to choose an easy design which wouldn't take too long, not so they would get their quilt quicker but to make life easier for me. I spent forever looking at quilt designs but couldn't make a decision as to what to choose. It felt that if I chose something too easy I wouldn't be putting enough effort in, I'm sure they wouldn't feel that though. In the end I decided on a medallion style quilt which I would make up as I went along. I know they like this medallion quilt I made a while ago.

This time I went for a storm at sea design for the centre panel. I love how storm at sea blocks create a secondary curved design but you don't sew any curves, admittedly the effect doesn't show up very well in this photo.  I've now added the first border which starts to turn the centre design into a medallion, it's made of  flying geese blocks but I've not taken any photos yet. The fabrics are a really pretty range called Flora by Lauren and Jessi Jung.

I've been delayed in getting on quicker with this by finishing the Siblings Together group charity quilts.
They're now all finished and hopefully will make too young men happy and cosy. Below is the one I've just finished, the other was quilted by Charlotte aka the weepixie and can be seen here.

And finally.......here are some roses from our garden and an attempt at artistic photography!

I'm linking up to Quilt Story's Fabric Tuesday.
Maria .

Friday 22 June 2012

Just Playing

I've been playing with picmonkey .........
 These were taken last year at Alderburgh, Suffolk.

Off to sew now.
Maria .

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Swapping anticipation.

I've bitten the bullet and signed up to the Brit Quilt Swap 3 over on flickr. This time it's a mini quilt swap. There's some fantastic inspiration mosaics ready to frighten our yet to be allocated  partners. I'm excited to find out who my partner will be, we find out on or around the 1st of July. I hope what I make her won't disappoint, it's a bit scary.

 This is my mosaic of gorgeousness. Sadly I didn't make any of these, credits to the talented makers can be seen here.
Hello to anyone visting from the swap. Are you nervous too?
Maria x