As spring has officially started and easter is very near I thought I'd better get on with my easter/spring makes. A few weeks ago I showed you Lucie the Goosie and Harriet Hare and I've now made them a friend each, some fabric eggs and I've nearly finished a table runner. I haven't taken any photos of the other items but here is the table runner in progress.

Despite the fact that I have other items to finish I got an idea for another project into my head, and me being me I couldn't wait to start. Any ideas what it's going to be?

I was reading Karol-Ann's blog the other day and saw the gorgeous little coin purses she's been making and couldn't resist buying one from her etsy shop. Go and take a look, I'm sure she'd love to sell some more, they even smell lovely too. Here's my new purse.

That's it for now, I've got some sewing ironing to do before school pick-up.
Bye for now, Maria.
Bye for now, Maria.