Dear, I'm really sorry that I decided to leave you but in the end it didn't work out in my new home at typepad so I've decided to come back. I hope you forgive me and take me back. x x Still no new sewing to show. I just haven't felt the need to sew lately but I can feel it returning and am begining to get excited about my projects again.We had a lovely day today at Minsmere bird reserve in Suffolk. UK readers will probably be familiar with the BBC t.v programme Spring Watch. The BBC hosted an event at the reserve today and the special guest was Chris Packham who is one of the presenters of the show. Chris is hugely enthusiastic and knowledgeable about British wildlife and is great on the show.He was like the Pied Piper today with a crowd of people following him around. I sidled up to him and tried to look casual and not at all excited while my husband took a photo.
As you can see we are dressed in wet weather gear as the summer seems to have emigrated at the moment. You can't see him very well under that hat and I seem to have expanded in the awful coat. My son had a great time pond dipping, it's amazing how small children love dipping nets in the water and peering in to see the tiny creatures they have caught.
The resevere is on the coast with areas of marshland where you can watch the wildlife from bird hides. We enjoyed watching a bird(s) called a Hobby which is a small falcon who is a summer visitor from tropical Africa.

I loved these flowers. I'm wondering if they are wild orchids.

These were very pretty too. Not sure what they are though.

Hopefully I'll have some sewing to show soon.
Bye for now, Maria.