My friend could bearly contain her exitement as we entered the hall and said she wanted to run around looking at everything. Our sewing group has decided that next year we'll stay overnight and visit for two days and probably do a workshop.
I managed to be fairly restrained with my buying. Here are some pics of my purchases.
I bought two gorgeous skeins of hand dyed fabric from Oliver Twists and some anchor perle thread, these threads may appear in my bag swap bag which I really must get on with.
The fabric is has already been cut up and used in the quilt I showed on my previous post.

I also bought this necklace which I thought was a bargain. You chose your pendant which was £2 and matched it with the ribbon of your choice which was £1. I haven't been brave enough to include my face in any photos so far!

The picture above is a preview of the bag I'm making for my secret partner in Linda's bag swap. "What?", I hear you say, "that's a bag?", yes I know it doesn't look much like a bag at the moment but it will when I eventually finish it.
We are off on holiday tomorrow to south west France so I must get on with some more packing. I hope the weather is better than here, I really need some sun. I plan to do some hand sewing on the bag and will take it with me. You need something to do when it rains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bye for now, Maria.
Thanks for sopping by my blog. I have the Lotus cami made in the same fabric and also another loose fitting topmade in it too. I love the colour. Actually I'm wearing it today and got asked when I was shopping where I had got it from. I love it when you say I made it myself.
Hope you have a good holiday in France, I'm sure it can't rain as much there as it is here at the moment. Perhaps we'll have an Indian summer.
you were very restrained - i think i'd be like a kid in a candy store!
lovely fabric and gorgeous necklace.
have a great holiday - bound to be better weather than we have here!
Wow, very restrained considering it must be an overwhelming shopping experience!!! Aounds like you had fun though. Have a great holiday!!
Wow, love the colours of those yarns! Beautiful necklace and really pretty patchwork pieces for your bag too. Have a fab holiday!
Your bag swap partner is going to be very lucky. Can't wait to see what you're doing. Gorgeous colors!!! Have a wonderful holiday.
I can hear the excitement of you being at the festival. I too love color and the dull just doesn't cut it. Your choice of threads is so pretty and I love your necklace. Have a good time in France and hope you get some sun. Blessings and hugs, Marie
I expect there was a lot of beautifull work at the festival. I love the necklace too.
The swap bag fabric is so lovely . Cant wait to see it
HOpe you are having a fabulous time in FRance. Those goodies look very yummy.
I like the log cabins - I cannot wait to see the whole bag - you have put a lot of love into this one!
I also like bright and colourful fabrics too, so I totally agree with you. The necklace is lovely and really bargain (hey you should show your face...dont' be shy...Hee! Hee!).
Have a nice in France and I look forward to seeing the finished bag.
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