Hi, I hope you all had a great Christmas. We had a fairly quiet family time. I had to work christmas night but at least I had the whole day at home. We went to Norfolk to stay with my parents for a few days between christmas and new year, it was great to have someone else do the cooking for a while!
This is the bag I made Mum for christmas. I was very pleased with how it turned out. I used a stiffer interlining than I've used before and put in a special stiff base in the bottom. It stands up on its own well. I didn't finish it until about midnight on the night before christmas eve.
Mum showed it to some of her friends who all loved it which does the ego good. I'd quite like to have an etsy shop to sell some in but as I have to pay full price for the materials I'm not sure the profit margin would be high enough to make it worth while.
Below is the last of the cushions I made as christmas pressies. It's not really my colours but the young lady I made it for has a black and grey bedroom so hopefully she will like it. ( she hasn't received it yet - I won't bore you with the details)

I haven't done any sewing since I finished the bag before christmas and am ready to get going again. I'm planning to make a couple of charity quilts but think it's time to do something for myself first!
Bye for now, Maria.
Hi Maria, Love that bag you made for your Mum, it is really nice. Maybe you can find a way to make some for a shop to sell.I have seen them in the gift shopes over here. I am glad you got to go to be with your family for the h olidays, always makes it nice. Hope your Year will be the best. Hugs, Marie
Love the bag you made! And yes, you should definitely make something for yourself now!
Hi Maria - your bag is just gorgeous and the cushion is lovely.
i'm sure you could sell your creations as they are beautifully made.
Love the Bag is that fabric Anduluca by Patty Young...Gorgeous.
I love the work you do and am positive there is a market for it. Go on,give it a go.....
Yes, something for yourself sounds good, you deserve it!
Yes I have been a bit sewing challenged this past week too!! Sew for yourself first!! I am planning a day tomorrow!!
Happy Sewing, Cathy
Hi Maria,thanks for visiting my blog...love your sewing!
Glad your Christmas was a good one ;-)
Happy 2009 to you! Gorgeous bag! And I'm sure the cushion will be loved too.
HI MAria : )
Nice to hear from you and gosh you have done a lot. Sounds like a nice christmas despite working (nursey life hey). Now off you go and do something for yourself!
Your bag is beautiful! I can imagine you mom was happy with it. The cushion is very nicely done too. I like the choice of colors! Very expressive.
Hi Maria,
The bag you made for your Mum is very pretty. I like the colour you have chosen, it's very cheerful. Have a great 2009!
I like the bag but I think the cushion is brilliant. You are very good at getting colours to really sing together
Happy New Year.
I think yoiu could try an esty shop..you don't need to list lots. And if you make a few things form the same fabric it will be more economical.
I love that bag. What design is that fabric is gorgeous. You are a very clever patchworker....
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