First of all I couldn't even work out how to do the slip knot to start off! My husband had to show me how. As a child I had at least learnt to crochet a chain and after much fiddling around I remembered how to get this far.
As well as using the book I used some films on u-tube to learn how to double (USA single) and treble (USA half treble) crochet. To be honest I needed the films as I couldn't work out what to do just from the book but that was probably down to me rather than the book's instructions as now I know what to do the book makes sense.
I won't show my first few efforts, they are very wonky and I have a tendancy to pull the yarn too tight. A friend showed me how to do a square which was a great help.
Here is flower I made from the book. I've used a thinner yarn and a different size hook but it's ok.
Finally, last night I did a square with changes of colour. Hurray! I'm not sure what to do next. I may do more squares and make a cushion from them.
All this made may think about how, as adults, most things we do come naturally. I felt so awkward trying to hold the yarn and hook and manipulate the hook through the yarn. I felt like a newborn lamb learning to walk or a child learning how to hold a pen and write.
Amanda has kindly sent me some Bushfire Quilt appeal Star blocks which I will send with mine during the first week in March. If any UK bloggers would like me to send their's with mine let me know.
Bye for now, Maria
Well I won't tell my age but I bought a child's learn to crochet book and was able to get it started and do a single crochet. Then I put it down and haven't been back. Love your beginning projects...you'd never know you hadn't been crocheting for years.
I think crochet is becoming very popular again! Well done on your first effort..it looks lovely ;-)
i tried to teach myself - got the book happy hooker - after about 2 hours nearly threw it onthe fire - i think i need a one to one!
Oh Maria how neat your learning to crochet, I want to and could as long as I sat next to my Mom and then after she passed on I just could not get it. Maybe again someday. Your square is great and flowers to. Hugs, Marie
Your flower has turned out very well indeed. I did smile when you said how your husband helped, but mine helps me when I am my wits end as another pari of eye sees what I have been missing. i am also getting to grips with corchet, so I will be back to see how you get on. i will post my latest effort later in the week.
Hi, I have noitced you are in Ipswich. I come from just outside Newmarket. It is a blooming long way from Cornwall so I only get to visit a couple of times a year. Got quite a bit of snow this month?
I've just got backto crocheting after many years of thinking it wasn't the thing to do... after all the shawls and blankets I made in the 70s.
Then I discovered Attic 24, Lucy, she's got tutorials on some lovely pieces and they look so up to the minute. If you take a look at my blog, I follow her so there's a link on the right hand side to her site.
Well I am impressed! My poor friend has desperatly tried to teach me to crochet and well - it is in the to hard basket. I am very impressed with your effort (grin)
You look as if you're doing very well with the crochet. Sew a brooch back on your flower and you could wear it.
It si alwasy good to remind ourselves how hard it can be to learn something new. The flower looks lovely.
I felt exactly the same when I learnt to crochet. I was 8 and it all seemed so strange. You are improving quickly! I remember my improvement at eight was s-l-o-w....
I found it very difficult to teach myself crochet from books - it was surprising how much difference it made when I had someone show me how to do a double crochet stitch.
Yeah!!! I did the same....is that not fun!!!?
Wow - well done on teaching yourself to crochet! The flower and the square are lovely. Before you know it you'll be doing great big ripple blankets :-)
Oh! I'm a complete beginner too - it's wonderful to see your finished treasures and to get the book tip. I've just sent out an appeal for crochet tips of a total novice so this is a seriously useful post - thankyou!
Just been enjoying the delights of the rest of your blog too!
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