Monday 2 March 2009

Sew love to ......sow!

Is there a theme developing here? (see last post).
As we march into March I feel that spring is in the air and I'm looking forward to getting stuck into some gardening. We have lived here for just over two years and we're slowly "doing" the garden. We have been given a greenhouse and I'm really excited about growing some juicy tomatoes and flowers for the garden.

Yesterday we went to a garden centre and bought some seeds.

These were my husbands choice........

And these were mine..........

It's funny how men go for vegetables, women for flowers and children for Sunflowers - my son chose those.

This picture may not look very exciting but snuggled just under the surface of the compost are some Echinacea seeds. Hopefully in a few months time they will magically turn into huge pink flowers. The packet says that seeds sown in February will flower in the same year, well it's only 2nd March so don't tell the seeds and perhaps they'll put on a display this year. They're now going to be popped into a plastic bag and placed on a window sill. Then I'll just have to wait.

I've been a bit slack on the sewing lately but am begining to feel the urge to get going again especially as I've joined two swaps which I'm exited about. Firsty there's Linda's Spring swap and secondly the Doll Quilt Swap 6. There are buttons for both in my side bar.

Bye for now, Maria


Sal said...

I definitely would have chosen the same as you! ;-)

Amanda said...

It's just that sort of weather isn't it? The sap is rising and all that. I spent the morning sorting out all our pots, getting rid of old plants, tidying up those we're keeping, and planning, planning, planning. In our house we're the other way round, I'm the vegetable grower, DH grows plants and flowers.

Simone de Klerk said...

Good luck with your seeds! Hope we get to see them once they're out!

wonderwoman said...

i love buying seeds - feels like spring is coming and, hopefully, get lots of goodies in the garden! well, apart from the weeds!


Kris said...

I love the veggies. And I love to sow too!