Earlier in the year I was contacted by a journalist from a new UK sewing magazine. She asked whether I could answer some questions about my blog for a feature she was writing on sewing blogs.
The magazine is called "Sew" and low and behold I make an appearence in the second issue.

The magazine is called "Sew" and low and behold I make an appearence in the second issue.
I'm in a feature called "Meet the Bloggers". The magazine states " They design, sew, and discover gorgeous things -and then write about them with wit, enthusiasm and stunning images. What's not to love?" I can't believe that I've been included in this description but no, I'm definately there.

If anyone has found their way here after seeing the feature in the magazine please do leave a comment to say "Hi".

I've started on my next quilt this week. It will be used as a throw for our living room. I'm not sure what the block is called but it's similar to a log cabin. I'm going for a scrappy look with each block being slightly different.
This is a sneak peek of the gift I'm making for the Christmas in July swap I'm participating in. I won't show much more incase my partner reads this.

I thought I'd show this picture of a poppy that self seeded in my garden. Unfortunately its beauty was fleeting as the flower only lasted a day but I'm glad to say this little buzzy bee seemed to enjoy visiting.

Bye for now, Maria.
Wow...congratulations! I love the article...all of your comments about quilt blogging describe exactly how I feel about the great quilt community bloggers have! Have a great day!
Oh My how nice for you. Congratulations. Way to go three cheers. Pat yourself on the back what fun is that for you.
Congrats on your appearance in the mag, I bet you feel all buzzy! New quilting blocks looking good and well done on getting Mr Bee photographed on the poppy.
Hen x
Congratulayions, you deserve it, I always enjoy your posts!
Well done you - and how nice to see a photograph too. I'll look out for the magazine now.
Wow... you can now say "Blogging made me famous" how cool!! Congratulations!! Cathy
Congratulations! You'll have to hang around the magazine aisle in the supermarket and offer autographs :o) LOL
Congratulations Maria. I haven't seen the magazine around here unfortunately.
Your projects look great.
Hi Maria,
Congrats to you too - it does look good! :)
I am so proud of you girlfriend. Your work is so nice and to think I know a celeberty. Congrats.Hugs, Marie
Ooooo....huge congrats to you - how exciting!!!!
Gorgeous quilt too!
Congratulations on being featurd in the magazine and I'm really overwhelmed with my menetion. Thank you so much!
I love the quilt/throw you're working on. There are some gorgeous fabrics in those blocks, but I don't think I know the flowery one that's on the outside edge of the block with Amy Butler's Dandelion fields in the centre? It's really pretty.... any chance you could put me out of my misery and tell what it is...pretty please!
Congrats! Your new quilt looks fun!
Congratulations. Its nice to see you too.
wow, many congrats - that is an amazing thing to happen!
Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you and your brother are celebs. :o)
I found your blog from Sew Magazine and I think I might just stick around a while!
Wow, Maria, I'm impressed to see you in the magazine! And the quilt you are making is once again so pretty. The colors ...
Congrats! Maria. What a coup! Pop over for a visit. TTFN ~Marydon
Congratulations! I love the colour combinations taht you use.
Isabelle x
Hey, found you from Sew also. Did you get sent a copy? There is a rather cute hexagon patchwork project for a pencil and notebook holder in there as well.
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