We have a small vegetable patch in our garden. It doesn't provide us with all our veggies but I think it's great to be able to eat food you have grown yourself when you can. It's also great for children to learn where food comes from. My son (who I'll call WJ from now on) loves to pick the runner beans and pod peas.
I was so exited the other evening when I came into the kitchen with my glamorous old washing up bowl full of potatoes, carrots, runners and mint. The carrots have not been all that successful this year. Not many germinated but the ones that did are mostly of a good size and tasted delicious.
We've had loads of runner beans and I made some delicious runner bean chutney. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for the recipe.
I think I must be feeling philosophical (hurray for spell check). I was thinking about how making a quilt is similar to growing crops. You start off with your fabric or seeds, give it lots of TLC and end up with something amazing which sometimes doesn't grow quite how you planned but is great all the same.
Last year I decided that I needed some hand sewing to do at my sewing group and in the evenings when it is sometimes too anti social to sit on the machine. I didn't mind if it was something that took ages to complete. The patchwork top is my own variation of a pattern from a friend's book but I can't remember the title.
I am doing some hand quilting using big, bright, bold stitches with the pattern taken from a template. On other areas I am doing embroidery stitches and beading. I'm making it up as I go along.

Sorry about the quality of the photos. My camera does not seem to cope with close ups very well. I'd love to do some fabulous pictures like I've seen on some blogs. My husband has a "proper" camera with different lenses and all that jazz. I'll have to learn how to use it.
We are off to Norfolk tomorrow to stay with my parents. Looking forward to days out on the coast. We are meeting up with some of my school friends which should be fun.
Bye for now, maria.
Hi maria
Have a good time at Norfolk. When you return, pop over to my Blog and pick up your Brilliant Web Blog Award for content and photos
HAve a good time Maria : )
Oh my vegies have been slow - we have been talking to them but they are slow. Wanting to put spring and summer in! Ummm might have to make the second patch sooner than later
well done with the veg..I can't grow a thing.
Its so nice to have a garden...sigh. I took my daughter to a friends house who also grows their own vegetables and, just like your son, she absolutely loved the peas.
Have a nice holiday!
your veggies look great and very edible! but your quilt looks amazing, i'm well in awe!
Fantastic Veg!! I have dreams except I don't have a green finger in sight LOL
Love the quilt. (I agree machine work can be very anti-social if you're doing it all the time - my DH should know!!)
Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! Your veg look fantastic and I love the idea of runner bean chutney because I have quite a glut - is it a secret family recipe or would you be willing to share???
Love your quilt too!
Lucy x
Well done with the veg, everything is so slow here. I haven't even picked a runner bean yet this year!
well done on your veg, it does feel nice when you know you have grown it and it tastes all the better. Great quilting by the way X
Oh it's beautiful. What lovely stitching! I wish I could grow my own garden...hubby has taken over the backyard, which is ok because he's the one who takes care of it.
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