This is a peek at the bag I am making for Helen's Stitching Angels bag swap. It is from a gorgeous pattern by May Britt. There are more photos of the beautiful items the stitching angels have been making for the swap at this flickr group.
I really must finish it soon as we have to make a minimum of three items and I'm still on my first.
I was pleased to learn that the bag I made for Linda's bag swap has safely reached it's new owner Cheryl. I am sure she won't mind me saying that she has been unwell recently so has not posted for a while but she sent me a lovely e-mail thanking me for the bag. I must say it brought a tear to my eye to hear that she was so thrilled with the bag. I am so pleased that she has gained so much pleasure from receiving it.
My son had a friend over for tea after school a few days ago. While they were playing in his room I stole a few minutes in my sewing room. His friend came in, pointed at my sewing machine and said "Whats that thing?" For a moment I was rather shocked by his question but then I thought about it and realised there was probably no reason why he should have seen one before as his Mum does not sew and I presume no grandmothers or aunties in his family do either. I was brought up with a Mum who used to make me little dresses when I was small so I've always been around sewing machines. I showed him how it worked and explained that a similar machine (I couldn't face explaining overlockers/sergers) had been used to make his t-shirt. I think he went away very pleased with his new knowledge.
Bye for now, Maria.
Great bag and a friend of my sons had never seen a sewing machine before and was shocked when I said he could have a little go. He loved the fact that it had a foot peddle like a car!
that is some lovely stitching - your swap partner is a very lucky girl!!
very sweet
Love the stitchery. That's really pretty. I'm surprised at how many of my children's friends haven't encountered a sewing machine before. Are we the last of a dying breed? (No. I read it in the paper, so it must be right. With all the finanacial turmoil at the moment sewing machines are selling and selling and selling........)
Well done - you have made that boy more 'rounded'. I think your angel swapie is going to be stoked.
LOvely bag, wish I could work so neatly!
I think it's awful that children don't recognise a sewing machine. I have visions of us being in museums in the not too dark future and people coming to stare at this strange art.
The bag is so pretty!!! I used to worry that sewing was a dying art, but there seems too be so much more interest in it now. Many of my contemporaries didn't want anything to do with things domestic because they believed they were intelligent, and intelligent women didn't do things domestic because it was below them. Now that we live in such a homogenised world (fewer small clothing chains and large clothing chains just getting bigger and bigger) I think people are beginning to recognise that being 'domestic' gives you choices that others don't have. I also think that hand made has a better reputation these days. In the past hand made was seen as second best to factory produced. Now hand made is seen as better, even bespoke!
Hi! What a lovely stitching. I'm VERY impressed. I love your account of your son's friend encounter of a sewing machine for the first time. It is such a shame that many children only play with computer games or watch TV. But I came accross this recently:
I think more parents are realising that their kids are missing out of a great hobby/interest. I've also read in the news paper that the sales of sewing machines have increased too.
Some people don't even own a needle let alone a machine.
Love the tiny log cabin patchwork.
Lovely stitchery, Maria! Someone is going to be very happy!
You did a great thing explaining and showing how a sewing machine works! Don't you agree this could also be done at schools? It is a pitty kids don't learn things like that anymore.
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