Hi All. We've just returned from a week away in beautiful Cornwall so I'm refreshed and ready to start sewing again. As I mentioned in my last post I received a fabulous package of goodies from my Christmas in July swap partner Kelly. She sent lots of beautiful gifts, here they all are.

This Santa has been appliqued onto the bag with blanket stitch.

I love these jingle bells sewn onto prairie points.

Kelly also made this beautiful wall hanging.

I love the hanger, it's so pretty.

This is a shopping bag. What a great saying.

Look at this selection of delights. A magazine, Australian fabric, sewing theme badges and a pretty address book.

I even received some pretty jewellry which I've had the pleasure of wearing and a cute little bag which I used to take my jewellry on holiday in.

Just look at these cute little chaps, they'll look great on our christmas tree.

Thanks very much kelly, you sent a very generous, beautiful parcel.
Due to circumstances I received two wonderful parcels in this swap from Stephanie and Kelly and I've therefore decided to do a give-away which will be open just to other membersof the Christmas in July swap. As I've received so much I thought it would share things out a bit. I'm not giving away anything that Stephanie or Kelly sent though, they're all mine! I'll come up with a parcel of goodies, not sure what yet though. I'll post about it when I get my act together.
Bye for now, Maria.
We had to make a Christmas stocking or santa sack. Kelly made this lovely, huge bag.
This Santa has been appliqued onto the bag with blanket stitch.
I love these jingle bells sewn onto prairie points.
Kelly also made this beautiful wall hanging.
I love the hanger, it's so pretty.
This is a shopping bag. What a great saying.
Look at this selection of delights. A magazine, Australian fabric, sewing theme badges and a pretty address book.
I even received some pretty jewellry which I've had the pleasure of wearing and a cute little bag which I used to take my jewellry on holiday in.
Just look at these cute little chaps, they'll look great on our christmas tree.
Thanks very much kelly, you sent a very generous, beautiful parcel.
Due to circumstances I received two wonderful parcels in this swap from Stephanie and Kelly and I've therefore decided to do a give-away which will be open just to other membersof the Christmas in July swap. As I've received so much I thought it would share things out a bit. I'm not giving away anything that Stephanie or Kelly sent though, they're all mine! I'll come up with a parcel of goodies, not sure what yet though. I'll post about it when I get my act together.
Bye for now, Maria.
Welcome Back Maria! What a lovely package of gifts from Kelly. I love those jingly bells on the prairie points. Pretty jewelry pouch as well as the jewelry. Keep me posted on the giveaway and I'll do a blog post about it.
Hi - What a lot of lovely gifts you've received. I love the detail of the bells on the prarie points and the stitchery. I think you've been quite spoiled but then everyone deserves that once in a while. :)
Welcome home Maria. I hope Cornwall was a lot of fun.
What a lovely parcel from Kelly. So much work and thoughtfulness went in to it. Love the bells on the bag. :-)
That is so kind of you to do a giveaway for us Christmas in July swappers. I hope you have a lot of fun putting it together. :-)
Hi Maria, welcome home, I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Thanks for the lovely blog post and for the great photos. I'm so glad you like the gifts, I enjoyed making them for you. Kelly :-)
I love your gifts...and have to make my own "to sew or not to sew...what a silly question" sign...thanks for sharing!
You received lovely presents from Kelly! What a wonderful Christmas in July for you (O:
Hi just dropped in to say hello and read your blog and would like to say what a talented lady you are, your sewing is so bright and cheerfull it's been a pleasure.
Hugs Pat
What a lot of lovely gifts. The santa bag is amazing, love the stitchery hanging very nice saying and I love the to sew or not to sew. Very apt.
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