I am a member of a small sewing group. We meet up most weeks and usually just do our own thing and talk (surprise, surprise). The picture is of a wall hanging I made with some fabric we dyed at our group. A couple of the members are more arty than me and often dye their own fabric. I have done a bit of dyeing in the past but have not ever made anything with it. I think I gave my last attempts to my son's school.
A couple of weeks a go we had another "dyeing session". We did some stamping onto white fabric and then over dyed the designs by painting the dyes on with brushes and sponges. Some of the stamps we made but others were bought.
We also painted dyes onto fabric without stamping first.

I decided to make a small wall hanging.
I made a background by cutting out various shapes and patchworking them together in a random pattern.
I then cut out some spirals and also around one of the stamps and bondawebbed them on.

I then made a quilt sandwich and freemachine quilted.
My trusty machine isn't particularly good when it comes to freemachining. I can't control the speed very well. I barely touch the foot pedal and the needle goes up and down at a million miles an hour, consequently my stitches are varying sizes but never mind, I'm not planning on entering any competitions. I just have to take a deep breathe and go for it.

The binding fabric was a present from my friend who brought it back from America. She saw the colour and thought it would go with the quilt I am making which I mentioned in my first post. as any UK quilters know quilting fabric is expensive here so she always brings some home from America. It was really sweet of her to think of me.
I decided to bead around the binding, I'm really pleased with effect.

My husband doesn't usually say much about my creations but he commented that he really likes this one calling it funky. It is going on the wall in the hall. woohoo.
I hope you enjoyed my little story. I'm afraid the colours in the pictures varies as I took them in different lights. The darker ones are more true to life.
Bye for now. Maria.
Hi maria
Am loving the colours. Whats the fabric. Silk or cotton. looks like silk. Its cool anyway
I love it all! How wonderful to make something that is so unique and beautiful. ;-)
Have to agree Maria... very funky! Great colours.
Thanks for the comment - I found Jane Brockets blog as she shut up shop for the summer!
I LOVE your quilt! I love dyeing my own fabric but don't get the opportunity to do it much - you have inspired me to get all the equipment out and have a go!
Its very lovely maria. I do understand the speedy pedal problem. I use a very basic Bernina, and I acquired a second one with a 'speedy pedal' so I use the pedal from the original one which is more controlable..
I think you could try putting a piece of firm foam under your heel it might give you more control as your foot would be more level. It might help.
the colours are so pretty....
Hi Maria,
I agree with your husband and nice choice of colours.
Just ran across your blog, and wanted to let you know that I absolutely love this quilt! It is gorgeous! I'm from Seattle, WA, USA and I think that something like that would sell for a very good price.
Looks like you should stick with the dyeing!
What a beautiful quilt! I love the gorgeous hand dyed fabrics, the designs,and the quilting is awesome.
that quilt is AWSOME! YOu have been very quiet and BUSY!
Oooh it's lovely. Those colours... Yum!
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