Monday 21 July 2008

My New Bag.

I finished a bag today which is from two Amy Butler fabrics. The polka dot one is from some fabric I had left over from the tunic I showed previously and the flowery fabric is Belle in orange. I made a skirt in this fabric from Amy's pattern "Barcelona". I'll show you this another day.

I made up the design as I went along, I gathered a panel of the polka dot fabric and placed it between two pieces of Belle. The handles are padded and are short enough that the bag doesn't drag on the floor when I hold it but long enough to wear over my shoulder.

I didn't have big enough pieces of either fabric for the lining so used both. I made a lined two piece pocket. I think it's a bit low but never mind. The bag is closed with a magnetic button thingy. I'm fairly please with it. I had planned for it to be narrower at he top but it didn't turn out how I thought but never mind.

On the subject of bags I received my partner details today for Linda's bag swap at I am looking forward to making the bag and have been coming up with some ideas. It's my first swap so I'm looking forward to it, especially receiving my parcel.

I've seen on other peoples' blogs where it says a name, you click on it and you are taken to their blog/web site. I haven't worked out how to do this. Perhaps one of you kind people could let me know what to do.

On Sunday we went on an outing to Flatford Mill. This is where the famous artist John Constable painted many of his works. It is a beautiful place on the river Stour on the Suffolk/Essex border. The National Trust now owns the Mill and surrounding buildings. We took a rowing boat out which my little boy enjoyed. The area is worth visiting if you are in this area. No I don't work for the local tourist board!

Bye for now, Maria.


Sal said...

Hi..I visited Flatford Mill many years ago! I thought that part of the country was beautiful.
Thanks for visiting my blog ;-)

Mrs Moog said...

Hi Maria,

thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. We're hoping for news about poorly Jazzy tomorrow.

I love your bag. Both the style and the fabrics are gorgeous!

If you want to put a link in to someone's blog you need to write the blog name/person's name in your post, highlight it (left click with mouse and drag) then look for the little green circle symbol on the toolbar (insert link)- shoudl be fourth from left I think. Click on this and then either copy or type in the web address in the box that pops up.
This should then create a link....I hope!!

It's lovely to meet another new blogger. I've had a look through your posts and I absolutely love the quilt you are making and the funky one!!

I'll look forward to reading more :)


wonderwoman said...

hi maria - i absolutely love your bag and am very envious! sorry cannot be any help about doing links as a new to all this myself but i will give lesley's advice a try tomorrow.

Abby and Stephanie said...

Love your bag, especially the inset gathering. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Anonymous said...

Maria, your bag is lovely. I think you've already had your question about links answered, but if you still have problems just shoot me an email.

laura said...

I think you are very LUCKY to!Living in such a beautiful country.Love your photos.And the bag is gorgeous.
regards Laura

Chookyblue...... said...

nice bag and I to have joined in the bag swap......should be lots of fun............

JuicyFig said...

oooh I LOVE that bag! it is gorgeous!! and so beautifully made!


oge said...

Hi maria

Beautiful bag and colour combination. No tantrums for you then he he


Jackie said...

I notice you put the funky piece in your header and its perfect. Lovely bag too.
Oh so much I want to try!

Anonymous said...

LOVE your bag - it is beautiful!!! And that UK scenery is just gorgeous, makes me think of my fave BBC Jane Austen films awwwwww!!!
Thanks for stopping by our blog and we hope you really enjoy making your Magoo!!

Marie said...

Hello Maria, Love your bag, the fabric ad colors are great.We were in England three years ago at Mildenhall and did some traveling over there, loved it! I too received my bag swap partner from Linda, can't wait to get started. Have a beautiful day. Blessings

Unknown said...

weep weep weep, flatford mill!!! Oh, I love it there. Make me homesick, why don't you?!

That bag is fabulous - it's AMAZING!!! And you made it up all by yourself? are a clever girl (no surprise - it's the East Anglian water, innit?!)

ps - The Swan I'm talking about is the Lavenham one. Now there's another pretty place. Suffolk does rock the socks off Yorkshire, you know. I miss it so much.

Mrs Jelly said...

Thanks for entering my blog giveaway!
I love the way you've photographed your bunting - I might have to pinch that idea!

picperfic said...

absolutely love your bag, you clever thing! Have you heard from the person making a bag for you yet? I love the places you take us on your days out too!

This Vintage Life... said...

Oooh, I love that bag! Especially the little ruched bit in the should sell them!

Sarah said...

oh oh oh I LOVE your bag Maria - you are SO clever - I hope you are my bag swap partner : )

s. said...

oh your bag is lovely! i am learning how to make bags right now and well, it's going you by any chance know of any good resources for a beginning bag seamstress?? :) i followed a few tutorials on-line and they weren't that great and i tried on my own but i'd like to make a great little bag that i love that is cute and do-able too...i quilt, but sewing bags is somewhat new to me :) oh i love your blog by the way too!

Jo said...

just thought I'd say "hi", the bags look great. I'm in the middle of making bags at the moment, there are some photo's of my blog and you are welcome to look