Hello, and thanks to everyone who left comments on my last post it was fantastic to receive so many.

Whilst looking at blogs a few days ago, when in fact it was actually night and I really should have been in bed, I found a lovely Australian blog, mellyandme. They produce some fantastic sewing patterns and I immediately fell in love with Magoo the Monkey.
They have suppliers in the UK and I ordered a pattern from Buttonberry who provided a quick service with accurately priced p&p costs. I hate being overcharged for postage.

Don't you just love Magoo! These are photos of my pattern. I hope he doesn't mind but I'm going to make him in purple fabric. I have loads of fabric in my stash that needs using up and thought he would be rather cool in purple.
Many thanks to Lesley who explained how to link to someone else's blog, hopeful I've just linked to hers.
Some of you lovely people have said you enjoyed the photos of Suffolk I've included in my last couple of posts. This one is of beautiful Chistchurch park in Ipswich where myself and my son went on this sunny summers day. At Last!

These are of part of a gorgeous garden which is behind Christchurch Mansion, a beautiful old building which is now a museum. This is of the back of the building which looks nothing like the front. I didn't think to take a picture of the front. My son was desperate to get to the play area so I couldn't hang around for long taking pictures.

The pictures don't show up the colours particularly well. The lavender was stunning a few weeks ago.
what is it with monkeys?! i must admit that pattern looks cute and will look forward to seeing yours cos its amazing what difference different fabrics can make. the pics are lovely. i have not tried doing links yet either so i'll read up on lesley's instructions!
Melly and Me have some really cute patterns. Jo and I made Freya - she is now living at my nieces place. They also have lots of bag patterns to. I look forward to seeing your purple version.
YOu have been VERy productive - putting me to shame!
Hi Maria, Love the monkey. It will be ever so cute in purple! Yesterday I met Anne Heidi from Norway who blogs on piecebypiece. Shes is over for her class reunion as she was an exchange student her Sr. year and was in my son's class. We went some quilts shopps and we both bought a patter for a really cute from that is either a cell phone casse or siisors and pin cushion,etc. I will try to make a picture of it later. Have a good day. Mariequilts.
I can just imagine the feeling of being in that sunny summer garden. Beautiful. And you;ve reminded me I want to add 'make a sock monkey' to my list of to do.
I so cant wait to see your purple Magoo!!!
I love Melly and Me patterns and Buttonberry is excellent! Hurrah for sunshine, but this heat....lol Love that little monkey!
Can't wait to see your Purple Magoo. I haven't made any Melly & Me stuffed critters but I have made their Black Forest bag. Love the pictures. Thanks for sharing.
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